Video interview with Dino and Burton from Fear Factory
Followers of this blog might have twigged at some point that I’m somewhat of a Fear Factory fanatic. The band was added to the Big Day Out for 2010 AFTER the event sold out, and with no other metal in the line-up other than Mastodon, not my favourite band, the fact that we weren’t going to be going to see them was pretty much a done deal.
However, the best editor in the world, Leticia from Metal As Fuck, set up a face-to-face interview with Dino and Burton in Perth on the day of the show, and Dave, struggling to find a reason to tag along, suggested we video it. So, what I’m linking to below is not only my first video interview, but Metal As Fuck’s first video interview.
Although I was nervous as hell the night and morning beforehand, as soon as Dino wandered out, shook our hands and started gossiping my nervousness disappeared. He and Burton were great people, really friendly and we ended up hanging around for nearly an hour after the interview ended talking shit about metal with them and Brandon, who I believe is from Revolver magazine.
Check out the videos, laugh at me, and then leave a comment!
Fear Factory: Soul of an old machine at Metal As Fuck
~ by goat_admin on March 28, 2010.
Posted in metal
Tags: fear factory, interviews
[…] fan-girl moment of the year came when I got to interview Burt and Dino from Fear Factory, in person, face to face, and on goddamn video. Trippin’ […]
2010 in Review; or, what the fuck happened to the Goatlady? « enter the goatlady said this on January 12, 2011 at 9:28 pm |