Finally a little international recognition…
Heh, kinda. the Perth International Arts Festival web site – aka, my pet project – has been nominated in the events category of the 11th Annual Webby Awards (the “Oscars of the Internet”, dontcha know).
It’s pretty exciting stuff. Everyone involved is stoked to be nominated – that includes Isabel at Block Branding who did the gorgeous design, and Georgia, formerly of the Festival, now at PICA, who managed (babysat) the site and obsessed over it day in day out for months. The actual winners are announced at the beginning of May. While the official winners are up to the judges and completely out of our hands – I wouldn’t even know who to try to bribe, heh – there’s also a People’s Voice Award for each category. So, faithful readers, you could help to make a local site achieve international fame and glory. Sign up now and vote – it’s pretty easy. The site is under “Websites” (duh), then “Living”, then “Events”. Go, go and do it now. I’ll wait.
Back already? Told you it was easy – thanks a lot for your help. Now tell everyone you know to do the same. We can make the difference!
Congrats, I love the site, especially the design (seeing as I know nothing about building such things, I can’t say anything about that!!)
Done! 🙂