Christmas presents!
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, the goatlady was a drummer. Actually, she was a classical percussionist, but as you have all gathered by now, she’s somewhat of a metal fanatic so it’s inevitable that some of that would have crept in.
For various reasons, including but not limited to severe bouts of tendonitis, she quit over 10 years ago. Lately though, she’s been using wrist supports to combat the still recurring tendon ouchies (computers are a bastard for that kind of thing), and it’s been pretty successful so she’s been toying with the idea of doing some skin-beltin’.
Orright, enough of the third person crap. Dave picked up on my various musings and decided to surprise me with a drum kit for Christmas. Yay! Dave is the best finder of Christmas and birthday presents EVER. I was totally surprised – also because the boxes under the tree were big, but didn’t look anywhere big enough to house an entire drum kit. They’re clever with the packing these days.
Of course, as soon as I got it I started messing with it. First thing was the kick pedal – the standard one was snapping back and hitting me on the top of the foot (being a heels up player) and only a limited range of adjustments were possible. We went to Kosmic (it’s the after Christmas sales, don’t you know), one thing led to another and before I knew it I was taking home a Tama “Iron Cobra” double kick pedal.
So now, as well as trying to get back the chops I had 10 years ago, I’m also trying to pick up a completely new skill – double bass drum pedal technique. It’s going well, though slowly so far.
I will keep you all posted!
Totally awesome. Have fun!