Super Mario has to be one of the greatest platform games ever written. Dave went and bought it online through the Wii-thing and I’m instantly taken back to about 1989 or something. Fan-tastic. The scary things are that a) I can still remember where all the hidden coins are and b) the levels with the big drops everywhere still make my stomach churn when I’m jumping over them.
Yes, I know. Yesterday, Day 7, I didn’t post a photo. Around 11pm Al said “quick, post any old crap” but that’s not in the spirit of the Photo Project, OK? And everyone knows that it was the 7th, and the 7th day is the day of REST, get it, so SHUT THE HELL UP, I was resting 🙂
Anyway, today I made up for it by going for a walk in the bush near our house and taking a whole stack of photos, which I will now bore you all with.
Day 8: Bush Walk
This is the fire break behind the park across the road from our house. Walking down it, it’s hard to believe that you are a mere 300 metres away from suburbia.
There’s lots of interesting stuff to look at!
I saw these cool-looking rusty 44’s just off the track and was going to go closer to take more photos, but then I saw a snake hole just where I was about to step off the track so I decided to play it safe!
There were heaps of birds and it was lovely and peaceful. One thing that really annoyed me was how much rubbish and crap had been dumped in this small area. People really suck.
I was quite fascinated by this sign. And there were three really cool looking old trees.
Finally, this is a view of our street from the other side of the park future recreational area. The mowed over it again today – I sure hope that sometime they turn it into a current recreational area.
Heh, this is the coolest garden ornament I’ve seen in a while:
At a grand each though, they’re a little pricey – and of course you’d need a pair at least.
So why was I out taking photos of over-sized garden gnomes? We’ve been looking around at concrete pavers for the back wastelands. Hopefully we can order them next week and within three or four weeks have the whole job done. A back garden, what a crazy concept!
So it’s photo project day 5… and technically, I’m posting a photo that I took yesterday. This poses an interesting question (well, interesting for me, anyway). Does this consitute a breach of “the rules”? What are “the rules” anyway and who made them up? If it was me, did I consider this possibility?
I said I would take a photo every day, but not necessarily post it. Is that interchangeable with “I will post a photo every day, not necessarily one I took that day”? Should they be interchangable – “I will post a photo each day, not necessarily one I took that day, OR take one but not necessarily post it”? Is this too complicated? Should I just shut up and post already?
Photo Project Day 5: Mosaic Arch at Mindarie Key
On February 10, 2008, Gossy and Alex will walk under this arch to get married in front of a bunch of their friends, relatives and possibly also some onlooking fishermen.
Today I went with my mate Gossy to Mindarie Quay to check out the place where she’s considering having her wedding. It was quite gorgeous, even though it was an overcast day – and we even saw a dolphin, which we took to be a good omen.
And of course, I took my camera and snapped this for Photo Project Day 4 – a rusty pylon underneath the jetty beside the boat ramp.
So sorry Gary, although I was doing ok inside the house with my little photo project, this was too good an opportunity to pass up.
Oh… when I said I was going to take a photo every day, I didn’t mean it would be a good photo… or even an interesting one! To illustrate:
Day 2: The Wastelands
This is the current state of the back garden, all 4 glorious metres of it. With some luck, in just a couple of weeks it will be a lovely sea of paving. I may even whack in a couple of pot plants.
Ha ha – pretty boring hey! I bet none of you will be back for day 3! Suckers!
However, I have decided to try it. Just one, though. I am going to attempt to take a photograph every day. I may not post to Flickr every day, but I will give it a go.
Day 1: Danzig on my desktop
This was a Christmas present from Dave – an 8″ soft vinyl Danzig figurine. I now have Glenn standing on my desk to help with all of the little day-to-day issues that pop up.
Kay: Would using array-style notation to reference nodes of this struct be more efficient than looping over them? 8″ Evil Elvis: While perfomance differences between tag-based looping and cfscript have been next to negligible since ColdFusion MX (thanks largely to the dark forces of Java), array notation would be more elegant and therefore much more evil. Kay: I never thought of it that way. So, wish me luck. New photo tomorrow night. Any bets as to how long this will last?
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